我们生活在飞速变迁的时代。全球化和城市化为各地带来了诸多机遇和高速发展,尤其在城市地区。大都市与郊区在某些情况下相连,并逐渐发展成大都市区或经济区。 更多情况下,城市和乡村之间的脱节甚至冲突,不仅导致人力资源的失衡发展,更导致城乡间的自然资源竞争。



研讨会由城市化与城市发展德中校友交流会组织。此项目由柏林工业大学中国科技文化中心于2017年建立。 城市化与城市发展德中校友交流会旨在促进与加强城市化和城市发展领域内关于科技、商业和政治人才网络的建设。



您是柏林工业大学或其他德国或中国大学的毕业生吗?您具有德国或中国背景吗?如果是的话,提交以下任何内容:15分钟的演示文稿(PPT)、海报展示、关于您的工作经验中最佳案例的介绍、或实地考察讲解(仅限上海地区)。请提交您的摘要 (不超过300字的英文),以及您的姓名,电子邮件地址,机构从属关系以及简历(不超过150字,带照片),发送至:urbanixx@china.tu-berlin.de










We live in changing times. Globalization and urbanization have brought opportunities and rapid development everywhere, especially to urban areas. In some cases, cities become connected to suburban- and rural areas, which then develop into metropolitan regions. Yet more often, the disconnection – or conflict – between cities and villages leads not only to an unbalanced development of human resources but also to competition for natural resources

What will the future of cities and villages in China and Germany look like?

The alumni-workshop “Future City, Future Village” aims to bring together German and Chinese scholars and practitioners from the fields of urbanization and urban-rural development. By highlighting the spatial-temporal challenges that arise within various regions, we will increase our understanding of the sustainable development of cities and villages, as well as how they interconnect and interact.

Specific topics will include: challenges in technology, society, urban design, economics, mobility, governance, history, energy, or ecology; they will address digitalization and artificial intelligence, smart city, sponge city, self-sufficient city, intra-urban and rural-urban social networks, identity, regional balance and -diversity, globalization vs. localization, etc.

The workshop is organized by URBANI, the German-Chinese Alumni Network for Urbanization and Urban Development, which was established in 2017 by the China Center of TU Berlin. The intention of URBANI is to promote the network of science, business, and politics within the fields of urbanization and urban development.

The five-day workshop including excursions will be held at Tongji University from May 20-24, 2019 in Shanghai. The workshop languages are English and German.


Are you a graduate of the Technische Universität Berlin or another German or Chinese University, and of German or Chinese background? If so, we warmly welcome you to submit a 15-minute presentation, a poster presentation, a best-experience example, or an invitation to visit your research project (Shanghai region only).

Please submit your abstract (no more than 300 words in English), along with your name, email address, institutional affiliation, and a biography (150 words, a photo) to: urbanixx@china.tu-berlin.de.


Deadline for submission: February 4, 2019

Selected participants will be notified by February 15, 2019


Limited reimbursement for travel (long-distant flights included) and accommodation (at the Tongji guest house) will be available for 20 participants from Germany or China. Papers presented at the workshop will be considered for publication in the URBANI journal.

For further information, please visit us at:


Sino-German Alumni-Workshop on the Transformation of Urban-Rural Areas

May 20-24, 2019 at Tongji University, Shanghai