德中环能2017年会暨成立5周年中德学者交流会将于12月9日(周六)上午9:30-13:00在柏林工业大学 主楼H3006
Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623)进行。本次年会邀请德国环境能源领域的专家学者共聚一堂,以“能源转型与大气环境”为主题。会议将邀请德国知名教授学者专家做主题报告。

Wolfgang Rotard  教授

Wolfgang Rotard,男,教授,博导,柏林工业大学环境系主任,前环境学院院长,1993年担任柏林工业大学教授,参与主持多项科研项目。曾在德国联邦卫生局担任办公室主任,后在德国环保局环境化学部门担任主管。德国VDI和DIN协会挥发性物质排放污染物质分析方法的规范化和标准化的等几个工作组主席。卤代持久性有机污染物国际顾问委员会成员。组织管理2004柏林卤代持久性有机物污染物大型研讨会并编辑杂志出版。
Wolfgang Rotard serves as the director of the Institute of Technical Environmental Protection at the Technicail University of Berlin since 2000 and at the same time a full-time professor for environmental chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin since 1998. Between 1983 to 1998, Prof. Dr. Rotard was a scientist and head of departments at the Federal Health Office in Germany and later served in the Environmental Protection Agency. He is also the Chair of analytical standardisation groups at VDI and DIN: determination of dioxins and other POPs. He is a member of the „International Advisory Board“ of the symposium series “Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants“ and editor of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Dioxin 2004 Berlin. Chemosphere 67, 2007.
His research fields are: Development of analytical methods include sampling for POPs; Investigation of POPs in the environment: sources, distribution, fate, assessment; Formation of halogenated POPs during combustion processes; Degradation of POPs in sediments, soil and waterbodies; Absorption availabilty of pollutions in soil/soil particles; Phytoscreening.


Eva Sternfeld  教授

前柏林自由大学东亚学教授,现任柏林工业大学中国科技文化中心主任。在中国有20多年学习和工作的经验。她中文流利,在中国的环境保护政策、管理和环境教育上有很高的造诣。从2000年到2008年,她带领国际合作组织项目组的专家们与中国在环境领域进行了广泛的合作,包括为中国环境与可持续发展资料研究中心(CESDRRC)工作, 帮助国家环境保护总局宣传教育中心设立环境信息设施, 同时也为建立中国环境与可持续发展资料中心的国际研究项目筹款并为中国环境与可持续发展资料中心环境图书馆设施的应用和中国与国际机构的学术交流作出了重要贡献。自1997年起至今,在中国和德国为德国国际发展研究所和其他咨询公司提供咨询和培训服务,包括DSE, CDG, ASA-CDG, GFI,-Umwelt, GFA-Agrar Agro-Eco Consult, InWEnt, GTZ。
Eva Sternfeld is involved with research on issues related to environment, urban development and water management in China since 30 years. She holds a PhD degree from the East-Asian Institute of the Free University of Berlin. From 2000 to April 2008 she has been working with the China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Center (CESDRRC) in Beijing, an environmental information facility set up by the Center for Environmental Education and Communication (CEEC) of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA). Since August 2008, she is assistant professor at Technical University of Berlin where she is directing the university’s Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China at the Technische Universität Berlin. Dr. Sternfeld has been working as a consultant for various German and international institutions. Since 2014 she is guest professor at the Institute of Sinology at FU Berlin.
Sophia Becker(索菲娅·贝克)

Kopernikus-ENavi项目AP6(社会行为分析课题)主要执行人,IASS Potsdam研究所研究员。索菲娅先后在明斯特和巴黎学习心理学,并即将在近日完成斯图加特大学博士学位学习课程(科技与环境的社会学),导师为奥特文-任(Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn,现为IASS Potsdam所长)。她的博士论文主题是面向小汽车的行为分析,由亥姆霍兹学会ENERGY TRANS项目资助。 索菲亚在攻读博士学位期间,被苏珊沙恩教授(Prof. Susan Shaheen)邀请在加州大学伯克利分校工作,担任交通可持续发展研究中心创新移动部门的访问学者。
Sophia works at the IASS Potsdam in the Energiewende Navigation project. She studied psychology in Münster and Paris and recently completed her PhD at the University of Stuttgart (2013-2016) at the department for Sociology of Technology and the Environment (Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn). The topic of her dissertation project is rebound behavior in car-based mobility. Her research was funded by the interdisciplinary program Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY TRANS. During her PhD, Sophia was invited by Prof. Susan Shaheen to work at the University of California at Berkeley as a visiting scholar at the department for Innovative Mobility in the Transportation Sustainability Research Center.

Matthias HARTWIG(马提亚斯·哈特维格)

马提亚斯自2011年起担任IKEM的高级研究员,并2014年起担任交通研究部门负责人。马提亚斯目前主要涉及不同的欧洲资助项目,重点是电动车辆(可再充电和燃料电池),车辆自动化和自主驾驶,移动性的联网和数字化,以及将新的移动形式整合到公共交通和运输系统。此外,马提亚斯代表IKEM协调能力网络联运自动化项目。 马提亚斯在马德里的汉堡大学,格雷夫斯瓦尔德和阿尔卡拉德埃纳雷斯大学学习经济学和法学。 目前,他也正在攻读博士学位,在格雷夫斯瓦尔德大学公共财政与税法(Michael Rodi博士)主席指导下撰写关于“e-高速公路:公共交通系统货物运输与电动车辆”的论文。
Matthias is a Senior Research Associate at IKEM since 2011. Since 2014 he is the head of the Mobility department. Among other things, he is currently largely involved in different European funded projects focusing on electro mobility (re-chargeable and fuel cell), vehicle automation and autonomous driving, networking and digitization of the mobility, as well as integration of the new mobility forms into the public transport and freight traffic systems. Moreover, Mr. Hartwig coordinates the Competence Network Intermodal Automated Mobility on behalf of IKEM. He studied economics and law at the universities of Hamburg, Greifswald and Alcalá de Henares in Madrid. Alongside his work he is writing a Ph.D. dissertation on “eHighway – electro mobility for freight traffic in public transport system” at the Chair of Public, Finance and Tax Law (Prof Dr. Michael Rodi) of the University of Greifswald.

Fobang Liu  刘佛傍

Fobang Liu is a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) Mainz. He studied Chemistry at Sun Yat-sen Univeristy, Guangzhou, China, where he obtained his bachelor and master degree. Afterward, he did his PhD work in the group of Prof. Ulrich Pöschl at MPIC and obtained a Ph.D degree in 2017. His research interests include: air pollution/aerosol-health effects; air pollution effects on protein chemistry and allergies.

Alex Han  韩宇

韩宇,现就职于柏林工业大学环境学院循环经济和回收技术系, 在苏珊罗特教授(Prof. Susanne Rotter)团队下任研究助理。他目前正在参与一个Climate-KIC 欧盟气候组织下关于太阳能光伏板的回收和再利用的科研项目,同时攻读其工程博士学位。他曾获太阳能生产工程技术的硕士学位,以及自动化和机器人技术的本科学位。
Alex works as Research Assistant under Prof. Susanne Rotter, chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology at TU Berlin. He is currently involved in a Climate-KIC research project and pursuing his PhD on the topic of End-of-life management of Solar Photovoltaic Panels. He holds a master degree in Production Engineering in Solar Technology and a bachelor degree in Automation and Robotics.